Master Dissertations
Students of Business Engineering/Data Analytics are required to write an academic master dissertation.
Please contact Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel (mailto:dirk.vandenpoel A T for more information on the projects.
Class of 2015
Celine Chesterman and Maxim Koppen / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: On the added value of complex trading rules in short-term equity price direction prediction
Class of 2013
Stijn Casneuf / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sabine Wittevronghel
Title: (in Dutch) Verspreidingsmodellen voor hypes in sociale netwerken
Ine Lalement and Tessa De Backer / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Evaluation of the usefulness of eye-tracking in customer intelligence
Geraldine Dobbeleer and Bram De Cocker / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Patrick Van Kenhove
Title: (in Dutch) Leiden impulsaankopen tot onethisch handelen
Ward Torrekens / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Steve Muylle
Title: Telepresence in business meetings
Ruben Van Damme / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Mario Pandelaere
Title: (in Dutch) Het effect van eenheden op productevaluatie
Bart Van der Vurst / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Steve Muylle
Title: Community building on social networks versus using own platform
Philip Verhulst / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Geert Poels
Title: (in Dutch) Business architecture modelling in Choose: een gebruiksvriendelijke applicatie aangepast aan de user interface van de iPad
Class of 2012
Matthijs Meire / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Evaluating multiple computational semantics approaches intext mining for customer intelligence
Gert Verhaverbeke / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Bart Clarysse
Title: Configuration and transition of business models in the ICT industry: a study of content management systems
Class of 2011
Nick Callebaut / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Patrick Van Kenhove
Title: (in Dutch) Waarom kopen wij? De invloed van basismotivaties op aankoopgedrag
Rosemarijn Dumont / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: A comparison of ensemble classifiers for dealing with imbalanced learning in churn prediction
Mathias Haentjens / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Predictive uncertainty in Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) prediction. How can uncertainty estimates be incorporated in the customer portfolio approach?
Olivier Janssen / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Geert Poels
Title: Developing a consolidation application based on the REA reference model
Eline Lostrie / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Data Augmentation by Including Weather Variables in order to Predict Purchase Behaviour of Seasonal Products
Elke Potums / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Improving the predictive performance of CRM models by including neighborhood effects by means of multilevel models: a cross-category comparison
Daan Raemdonck / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Exploring the Black Box: applying rule extraction techniques to ensemble classifiers for churn prediction
Philip Tack / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Investigating the impact of multi-item purchases on the same purchase occasion for cross-sell modeling
Michiel Van Herwegen / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Data augmentation by means of customer classification based on product category attitude an purchasing behaviour
Evelien Verbaenen / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Investigating the extra value of subjective discretionary income in CRM models
Stephanie Verstraete / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Maggie Geuens
Title: (Dutch) Attitudes bij maximizers en satisficers
Andrey Volkov / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Implementing a parallel geneic algorithm in Java: an application to a marketing optimization aCRM case
Class of 2010
Kim Oosterlynck / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Exploiting dynamic evolutions of market baskets to predict churn
Stijn Vannieuwenborgh / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Maggie Geuens
Title: (Dutch) Schaalinvloeden op responsestijlen
Class of 2009
Dennis Verhaert / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Investigating the added value of social network based variables in a customer churn prediction context
Evi Wittevrongel / Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Van den Poel
Title: Maximizing gifts in fundraising based on the direct mail characteristics: which mail for which donor?
Abstract: This study investigates the role of seed money in combination with a certain threshold, the influence of referring to contributions of others and proposing specific donation amounts in direct mail fundraising appeals. Based on two field experiments, we investigate donation behavior (the decision to donate and the amount of donation) of more than 83,000 European households. We considered acquisition, retention and reactivation campaigns and found that a differentiation in the communication strategy is necessary in order to optimize charitable direct mail campaigns.